
In order for prevention efforts to be effective, it is vital for communities to utilize a planning process that is active, deliberate and ongoing. The Behavioral Health Division provides funding opportunities to community organizations across the state.

Learn What Works

What is evidence-based prevention?

  • It is guided by several theories of change:
  • Individual change theories, including theories of risk and resilience.
  • Intra-and inter-organizational change theories.
  • Community change theories, including community organizing, policy change, and public health theories.
  • It applies evidence from rigorous evaluation research on prevention practices.
  • It follows a process of strategic planning that focuses on integrating thoughtful assessment, design, implementation, and evaluation.
  • The Strategic Prevention Framework is an evidence-based, 5-step planning process that guides the selection, implementation, and evaluation of evidence-based, culturally appropriate, sustainable prevention activities.
  • Review the Strategic Prevention Framework Guide.

We can help!

We provide assistance to individuals and communities across North Dakota interested in implementing effective prevention.

Are you….

  • Having trouble getting partners actively involved?
  • Unsure how to identify the best solution to a community problem?
  • Trying to write an evaluation plan for a prevention effort?
  • Unsure how to best present the information you have to community stakeholders?
  • Looking for how other communities have accomplished a particular strategy?

Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA)

Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) is a collaborative process of providing targeted assistance and support.


What are the goals of T/TA?

  • Strengthen the capacity (resources and readiness) of individuals, groups and organizations to implement and sustain effective prevention strategies and positive outcomes.
  • Support ND communities in successfully implementing SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF).

How is T/TA delivered?

  • In-person training
  • Online events
  • Collaboration and resource sharing
  • Information dissemination
  • Statewide and national meetings


  • Basics of substance abuse prevention
  • Strategic Prevention Framework Model (assessment, strategic planning, capacity building, sustainability, cultural competence, evaluation, etc.)
  • Risk and protective factors
  • Data-driven decision-making
  • Evidence-based prevention policies, programs, and practices
  • North Dakota laws


  • Webinars
  • Guidance documents on evidence-based strategy implementation
  • Sample policies
  • Sample memorandums of understanding (MOUs)
  • Marketing tools
  • Community success stories

Are you a current community Grantee?

Get resources here

Contact the Prevention Team

Contact us with any questions or if you would like to receive additional information about our services.

Contact the team