
The N.D. Department of Human Services offers various programs and services that help people with disabilities and their families live meaningful and productive lives.


Individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability or related condition may be eligible for developmental disability services.

Community services authorized and coordinated through case managers include:

  • Day Habilitation
  • Family Support
  • Residential Services
  • Employment Supports
  • Infant development/Early intervention Self Directed Supports

The Infant Development program identifies children ages 0 - 3 years who are at risk of developmental delays or disabilities. It also provides families with information, training, and services to assist them in meeting their children's needs.

  • Development assessment
  • Home programming
  • Occupational, speech-language, and early childhood education services (provided by credentialed clinical specialists)
  • Parent support/education
  • Service planning and coordination

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation provides planning and services to help people with disabilities find and keep jobs that matches their skills, interests, and abilities.
Services may include:

  • Individualized career guidance and counseling
  • Job search and placement assistance
  • Information and referral services
  • Transition to work services for students with disabilities who are in high school
  • Supported employment services for persons with severe disabilities (includes time-limited on-the-job supports)
  • Connecting individuals with assistive technology
  • Vocational and other training
  • Occupational licenses, tools and other equipment
  • Vision rehabilitation assessment and teaching services
  • Diagnosis and short-term treatment
  • Post-employment services

Services(Needs to link to to assist businesses find solutions to their disability-related issues


316 Second Ave. W.
PO Box 1266
Williston, ND 58802-1266

Phone: (701) 774-4662
Fax: (701) 774-4694
Toll Free: (800) 231-7724
711 (TTY)

Other Resources

Other Resources

North Dakota Client Assistance Program (CAP)

The Client Assistance Program is an independent program that advocates for people with disabilities in North Dakota who are seeking or receiving services through the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation Projects, and Independent Living Centers.

The program offers information and referrals, negotiation services, mediation, and assistance with fair hearings for clients and program applicants.


Phone: (701) 328-2950
Central Intake: (701) 328-3950
Toll Free: (800) 472-2670
711 (TTY)

North Dakota Assistive

The N.D. Department of Human Services contracts with ND Assistive to provide people with disabilities or people with changing abilities access to adaptive equipment and assistive technology.

Contact Information:

3240 15th St. S., Suite B
Fargo, ND 58104

Phone: (701) 365-4728
Toll Free: (800) 895-4728
Fax: (701) 365-6242

2401 46th Ave. SE, Suite 203
Mandan, ND 58554

Phone: (701) 258-4728
Toll Free: (800) 895-4728
Fax: (701) 365-6242