
Training is now available

The new SSP will be live November 1st.

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This October the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) is improving the self-service portal (SSP) and the way payments are made. These improvements will make it easier to request payment. Providers and families will also be able to receive payments faster. Here is what is changing.

Launch of a New Self-Service Portal (SSP):

  • All billing will be submitted through the improved SSP. Paper forms will no longer be accepted at the human service zone offices.

  • Providers will need to submit attendance records through the SSP. Download or print an optional child care attendance record form by clicking here.

  • If you would like payment to go to families, you will have to select this option in the new SSP even if payments were previously set up this way.

  • Note: If you are currently using the SSP to submit for payment, you will be able to use the same user ID and password you use today.

Improvements to Payments:

  • CCAP will participate in prospective payments. This means that if a child is enrolled in care for the month of June, payment for those services can be billed for at the first of June instead of waiting until July. This also means that families will need to notify their providers and human service zone workers as soon as possible when they are planning to change providers.

  • All providers will be paid via direct deposit.

  • If a provider chooses, payments can still be made to families. Providers can select this option in the SSP.

Training for how to use the new SSP can be found by clicking here. Effective dates can be found below.


Payment will be based on enrollment, not attendance. This means that families will need to notify both their providers and workers ASAP when changing child care providers.

This will be the last day to access the old SSP and bill for Aug. and Sept. Billing for these months will not be available in the new SSP.

The new SSP will be ready. Providers will be able to certify (submit billing) for services provided in Oct. and Nov.

Direct deposit will be required for providers and must be entered before payments can continue to be made. Entering direct deposit information will be done in the new SSP. A guide for completing this will be made available.

Prospective payments begin. This means billing for the following month can be completed on the 25th of the current month, based on enrollment.

For example: If a child is enrolled in your care for the month of Dec., you can certify (submit billing) for that child on Nov. 25th, rather then waiting until Jan.

All billing will be submitted through the SSP. Paper billing forms will no longer be accepted at the human service zone offices.

Attendance records will need to be uploaded in the new SSP.