
Welcome to our digital version of the annual Medicaid Member newsletter! This newsletter is mailed to all Medicaid members, but we wanted to offer you a digital issue that includes easy-to-use links to articles you find interesting. 


Medicaid members! We may need to contact you about your coverage

Child on moms back smiling at camera

Regular ND Medicaid renewals are now happening. Renewals make sure members still qualify.

When your Medicaid is ready for renewal, you may get an envelope with “ACTION REQUIRED” on the front.

You need to TAKE ACTION!

Four things you need to do:

  • Make sure your mailing address, phone number and email address are correct.
  • Check your mail.
  • Read your letter and follow all the steps.
  • Send back all needed information within 30 days of getting the letter.

Members who don’t respond to the renewal form will lose their Medicaid.

There are many ways to update your contact information or send in your renewal form.

Customer Support Center 

Find out more at



provider visiting with a patient

Changes are coming to Medicaid's Primary Care Case Management Program 

The Primary Care Case Management (PCCM) program is ending on Dec. 31, 2023.

Medicaid members enrolled in the PCCM program do not need to do anything. Your coverage will not end

On Jan. 1, 2024, this change will give members more flexibility in getting care.

  • You will be able to go to any provider you’d like to see. Before, you had to pick a primary care provider (PCP) or you were assigned one.
  • You will no longer have to see your PCP to get a referral to go to a specialist or to get a test done like an x-ray. You choose where you go. 

Until the end of the year, continue to see your PCP to get referrals for specialists and testing. ND Medicaid will send members more information on this change.


Sports physicals + wellness checks = A big win!

Children playing various sports

With winter sports just around the corner, get your child’s sports physical and wellness check together so they can be at the top of their game.

Sports physicals and wellness checks are different. Wellness checks are preventive care. They are more complete and can catch health problems that you are not aware of.

ND Medicaid Health Tracks/Wellness Checks offer:

  • A complete exam
  • Growth and development checks
  • Behavioral health screenings
  • Hearing, dental and vision checks
  • Labs tests
  • Immunizations and more

Sports physicals make sure your child can safely play sports.

Call your provider and schedule a wellness check and a sports physical at the same time.

ND Medicaid now pays for sports physicals for qualifying children.

To learn more, visit



Portrait of Jen Sheppard. Longer blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing blue and white business attireMember Engagement Coordinator 

Hello, my name is Jen. I’m ND Medicaid’s member engagement coordinator.

I want to connect with Medicaid members to find out how you feel about your Medicaid. I am making sure our website and letters are easy to read, forming a member-based committee and creating tools to help you use and understand Medicaid. I will listen and help find ways for you to enjoy using Medicaid.

Visit to learn more about member engagement.



Group of people sitting around a table

Let your voice be heard! Join the Medicaid Member Engagement Committee

We care about your Medicaid experience! We want our members to help us shape ND Medicaid. Apply to be on the Medicaid Member Engagement Committee (MMEC).

Attend regular meetings and work with others to help us deliver a great Medicaid experience to North Dakotans!

To be considered for our future MMEC, complete the online application.

MMEC applications are being accepted through Dec. 15, 2023.



Stack of newspapers and a computer

Stay informed about ND Medicaid!

Sign up to get our Medicaid member e-newsletter. Learn about program changes. Explore helpful tips/tricks about your coverage. Discover who is making a difference in the Medicaid world. Visit to sign up.



Special Health Services helps pay for noncovered services 

Group of young children Private health coverage and ND Medicaid cover many health services for children, but not everything. When services are not covered, the Special Health Services (SHS) Financial Coverage program, may be able to help pay for health services.

The SHS program can help children with asthma, heart conditions, seizure disorders, diabetes and other qualifying health conditions.

Once a child qualifies, this program can pay up to $5,000 over 12 months. SHS can pay for noncovered services such as:

  • Medicine
  • Over-the-counter vitamins and supplements
  • Medical equipment and supplies
  • Therapies (more therapy types and visits)
  • Other services for early diagnosis and treatment of qualifying conditions

To see if they qualify and to apply, families can call (701) 328-4816 or (701) 328-2436, (800) 755-2714, 711 (TTY) on weekdays, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CT. Special Health Services helps pay for noncovered services. 

Learn more at


Girl and her mom smiling at a banana WIC helps with food, nutrition, breastfeeding education and more

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a program for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, infants, and children younger than age five.


It provides access to healthy foods like:

  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • milk
  • whole grains
  • eggs
  • peanut butter
  • cereal
  • baby formula, and
  • baby food

Every month, money for food is put on an eWIC card that you can use at the grocery store. WIC can also teach you about nutrition and breastfeeding and can refer you to other help.

Whether you are married or single, working or not working, WIC may be able to help your family. If you are a mother, father, grandparent, foster parent or other legal guardian of a child younger than age five, you can apply.

To get WIC, you must meet income rules or participate in ND Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Head Start or Healthy Steps. You must also be at nutritional risk based on a health assessment that looks at height, weight, hemoglobin and answers you give on nutrition questions during your first WIC visit. 

To apply, contact your local WIC office. Learn more and find a WIC office near you at or call (800) 472-2286, 711 (TTY).