About the 2024-2029 State Health Improvement Plan

About the 2024-2029 State Health Improvement Plan

The State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) for North Dakota is a strategic initiative designed through extensive data evaluation and collaboration with a wide range of partners throughout the state. It is updated every five years.


Anchored by a commitment to data-driven decision-making, this comprehensive plan is the cornerstone for guiding public health strategies. 


The SHIP sets forth a vision for enhancing the health and well-being of all North Dakotans by identifying health priorities that will inform the development of associated goals, objectives, and activities. 

Within the framework of North Dakota's SHIP, each priority area is supported by dedicated workgroups and strategy teams. These teams execute strategic initiatives and continuously evaluate and adapt strategies to meet emerging health needs. 


This collaborative and adaptive approach ensures that North Dakota's health improvement efforts are effective and responsive, aiming to achieve the overarching goal of making North Dakota the healthiest state in the nation.