Special Public Meeting Notice - Early Childhood Council- Sept 13
Early Childhood Council
In-person and virtual meeting
Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022
1 to 3 p.m. CT
Pioneer Room, Judicial Wing, State Capitol, 600 E. Boulevard Ave., Bismarck, N.D.
Increase of West Nile Virus cases reported in North Dakota
HHS hosts Sept. 15 discussion and listening session on ND’s progress implementing Department of Justice Settlement Agreement expanding long-term care options
Youthworks facility in Minot joins list of certified youth shelter care sites
Health and Human Services encourages North Dakotans to learn how to support others during National Suicide Prevention Week
HHS releases statement on bivalent COVID-19 vaccines
Thoughts-Feelings-Actions: Building Mentally Healthy Connections
In this webinar we will explore the connection between our thoughts, feelings, and actions or behaviors. Attendees will learn how to apply concepts of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in their own lives as well as assisting the clients they work with.
This training will be presented by Monica McConkey, PLC and is approved for 2 CEU’s by the ND Board of Addiction Counseling Examiners, ND Board of Social Work Examiners, and for ND Certified Peer Support Specialists.
Peer Support Specialist Training
November 7-11, 2022
8:45am- 5:00pm
This class will be held in-person in Fargo.