Public Notice - Public comment to terminate Medicaid 1915(c) Technology Dependent waiver

Public comment is being sought on an amendment to terminate the Medicaid 1915(c) Technology Dependent waiver effective July 1, 2023.  

The Technology Dependent waiver was designed to serve adults who are ventilator dependent at least 22 hours per day that can self-direct their care. The Technology Dependent waiver has not been used since 2018. It was approved to serve up to three (3) people at one time but has never had a census of more than one recipient. Terminating the waiver will not impact any Medicaid members. 

Public Notice - Five-year renewal of Medicaid Children's Hospice Waiver

Public comment is being sought on the five-year renewal of the Medicaid 1915(c) Children’s Hospice Waiver. 

The Children’s Hospice Waiver provides services to children from birth to their 22nd birthday. The goal of this waiver is to help families in keeping their child home instead of having to place them in a nursing home or hospital to receive needed cares for their life limiting diagnosis. 

2023 Schedule - North Central Human Service Center Advisory Group Meetings

2023 Meeting Schedule
North Central Human Service Center Advisory Group

In compliance with NDCC Sections 44-04-19 and 44-04-20, this provides public notice of the North Central Human Service Center (NCHSC) Advisory Group meetings in calendar year 2023. 

Meetings are scheduled to be held on the designated dates listed below and will be held from 10 a.m. to noon, Central Time.