2023 Schedule - North Dakota Medicaid Drug Use Review Board Meetings

In compliance with NDCC Sections 44-04-19 and 44-04-20, this provides public notice of the North Dakota Medicaid Drug Use Review Board meetings for calendar year 2023.   

The board acts in an advisory capacity on various policies, identifies and develops educational topics for medical practitioners to improve drug therapy, and assists the department in identifying patterns of fraud, abuse, gross overuse or inappropriate or medically unnecessary care.  

The board has established four meetings in 2023.  Times listed are in Central Time. 

2023 Schedule - North Dakota Behavioral Health Planning Council Meetings

In compliance with NDCC Sections 44-04-19 and 44-04-20, this provides public notice of the North Dakota Behavioral Health Planning Council meetings for calendar year 2023.   

The advisory council has established four meetings in 2023. Times listed are in Central Time.

Wednesday, May 17
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.        
Job Service North Dakota, 1601 E. Century Ave., Bismarck, ND and virtually